Are you wanting a supportive, spiritual feminine connection?

you’re a Goddess

When it comes to hanging with your girlfriends, cocktails and gossip are starting to seem as antiquated as a pre-cell phone era Sex and the City episode.

Instead, join our women’s goddess circles—all-female gatherings of women’s rituals, and open-hearted women’s sharing circles.

Going deeply in with the love of a concious goddess in her power is truly vital in the age of overstuffed schedules and surface-level social media friendships and avatars. Come to put down your phone and become interested in knowing other women’s stories and hearts, beyond their curated online personas.

The sacred hours of bonding time in a woman’s circle aren’t just fun — they are incredibly nourishing, healing and enlightening.

Spending time with a supportive women’s circle of friends is a profound aspect of self-care, and when we care for ourselves as women, that’s how we are best able to support men in feeling what it’s like to be gentle men.

If you want to find out if a women’s circle might be just what you need in your life, please contact us with a private message.

Your messages and questions are kept 100% confidential and we’re happy to meet you, so please start off by telling us your name.

5 + 2 =

Namaste Village
Ángel Flores 5 
Ajijic, Jalisco, 45920

P +52 33 2625 6501


The Awakening Centre