The heart has no questions and the mind has no answers.

Relax your logical mind – to know that you are infinite love, beyond both imagination and measure, and even beyond belief.

Love the BODY

The body resides in the spirit.

There is no shame in enjoying the body. There is no judge sitting on a cloud in the sky, if you experience too much pleasure by meditating on the joy of your breath too deeply.

Breathe deeply and endlessly discover your infinite capacity for peace, happiness, and intuition.

CELEBRATE the Light 

Reciting and singing ancient words and sounds  (mantras), dancing divine rhythm, and reflecting on the wise words of celebrated philosophers, teachers and saints, we reveal to ourselves our own innate goodness.

Celebrate your life – recognizing ever more fully yourself as the Living Light of God.

Photo credits:  ©Francesco Mastalia from YOGA The Secret of Life

Namaste Village
Ángel Flores 5 
Ajijic, Jalisco, 45920

P +52 33 2625 6501

E info@theawakeningcentre.ca

The Awakening Centre