Yoga is not a search for who you are. It is a celebration of who you have always been.

These systems below will produce no winner nor loser in you – only a champion who dares to rejoice this day, and breathe deeply.

Are you ready to celebrate your light?

Kundalini Yoga

The thousands of yoga, breathing and meditation techniques presented in the work of Yogi Bhajan mystically deliver experiences of deep relaxation for the nervous system, and perfect balance for the body’s many glands. Within you are elixirs of beauty, youth, health, happiness and vitality. In each 90 minute Kundalini Yoga class, the techniques presented will be personalized for you in service to the most highest bliss and awareness the joy of your own breath can deliver.

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is based on the Taoist concept of yin and yang, opposite and complementary principles in nature. Yin is the stable, unmoving, hidden aspect of things; yang is the changing, moving, revealing aspect. In the body, the relatively stiff connective tissues (tendons, ligaments, fascia) are yin, while the more mobile and pliable muscles and blood are yang.

Yin classes work on the yin tissues – also known as the connective tissues. Connective tissue responds best to a slow, steady load. If you gently stretch connective tissue by holding a yin pose for a long time, the body will respond by making them a little longer and stronger – which is exactly what you want.

Ecstatic Dance

As friends congregate to dance freely amongst friends, the conscious mind surrenders to the playful, interpretive and improvisational dance of the creative unconscious universal source, or soul. Another way of understanding this – the brain becomes silent and the heart dances it’s wealth of health and vitality into the blood.

There are no boundaries or structured teachings in freedance, and thus there’s very little that can be said of it – except that you will feel great peace when you leave, with your true light and joyous heart wet with the nectar of it’s exposure. 

Come join us in Ajijic in person, or in our online community, from anywhere in the world.

Forget what’s in your wallet

What’s in your heart?

Non-dual teachings are priceless and the non-commercial sharing of wisdom is a secret gateway into The Now. A deep connection to the light of you really is the only purpose of this meeting, with you. Devotion to your health is our business, and when that fact is truly valued most, we are always taken care of.

are you having fun here?

we’d love to hear from you

8 + 10 =

Namaste Village
Ángel Flores 5 
Ajijic, Jalisco, 45920

P +52 33 2625 6501


The Awakening Centre